776 results found for category quotes.
Category License Title Info DownloadReport
quotesPersonal Uselife is good
quotesPersonal Useword art
quotesPersonal Usepeople change
quotesPersonal Usedo more of what makes you happy
quotesPersonal Useforget the mistakes remember the lesson
quotesPersonal Usebe brave
quotesPersonal Uselifestyle
quotesPersonal Usenot all who wander are lost
quotesPersonal Usebe yourself and the rest will come naturally
quotesPersonal Usecarpe diem
quotesPersonal Useenjoy every moment
quotesPersonal Useenjoy the change of the seasons let summer melt your heart and
quotesPersonal Usebe who you are because those who matter
quotesPersonal Useits a good day to save lives
quotesPersonal Usegood things take time
quotesPersonal UseRaise your words, not your voice. It is rain that grows flowers, not thunder. -Rumi
quotesPersonal Usewheaton make something
quotesPersonal Usebe in love with your life
quotesPersonal Usethere is no fun in perfection
quotesPersonal Usebeing happy
quotesPersonal Usekind words are like honey
quotesPersonal Usei reject your guilt
quotesPersonal Usesmile
quotesPersonal Usestorms dont last forever
quotesPersonal Usemake your own rules

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